See the study
Human clinical study on ElderCraft® and the human microbiom

We are what we eat. So too are the 100 trillion or so microbial cells that live in the human gut. And happy guts create healthy people. Feed them poorly and the converse is true.

Gut Health Study
Test procedure

In order to verify the prebiotic effect of Black Elderberry Extract, researchers enrolled 30 people in a human clinical crossover trial. Here we give you an overview about the study setup:

  • Human clinical crossover trial
    30 healthy participants
  • 2 x 300 mg extract (ElderCraft®) daily
  • 3 weeks baseline - 3 weeks intervention
    3 weeks wash-out phase
  • Collection of biological samples throughout the study
  • 16S amplicon sequencing of fecal DNA

Webinar on prebiotic effects of ElderCraft®

Watch the 30-minute presentation that Dr. Stephan Plattner, Director for Health & Nutrition Ingredients at iprona, held for Nutra Ingredients. It focuses on the latest research regarding prebiotic effects of polyphenol-rich elderberry extract.

The webinar covers the following topics:

  • An overview of prebiotic classes and prebiotic supplement market insights
  • The prebiotic effects of polyphenols and their effect on the intestinal microbiome
  • Insights into a new human clinical trial showing the prebiotic benefits of black elderberry polyphenols
  • How to formulate polyphenols in prebiotic supplements
  • Challenges and opportunities in developing synbiotics with polyphenols


of this Human Clinical Study with 3-week intervention of ElderCraft® 300 mg 2x day:

It has been shown that a daily dose of 600 mg black elderberry extract significantly increases alpha and beta diversity of the microbial community in the human gut followed by quick stabilizing response. Participants had elevated levels of Akkermansia muciniphila, a bacterium that is highly connected to inflammation and metabolism during and after the intervention, thus, the significant increase was observed even after stopping taking the extract.

  • NO adverse events were associated to the intervention
  • NO negative influence on QoL and Health
  • Black Elderberry (ElderCraft®) induces profound INCREASE IN MICROBIAL DIVERSITY MEASURES (alpha and beta diversity)
Beneficial changes in the microbiota

The effect of ElderCraft® on the gut microbiota adds to evidence that the polyphenol-rich extract has strong prebiotic effects. Polyphenols are known to induce a higher abundance of bacterial target species with beneficial effects on the host, such as increased production of short-chain fatty acids.

Key Take Aways
Overall increase in diversity
(Alpha and beta diversity)
Sustained Akkermansia muciniphila
increase inflammation and metabolism
Suterella increased
Glucose metabolism, immunomodulatory effects
Bacteroides cellulosyticus increased
associated with plant-based nutrition and better a health status
Bacteroides in general are increased
Our Academic Partners

At iprona, we proudly partner with major universities around the world to study and learn more
about the potential health benefits of our high-quality CraftIngredients.