Scientific Reference Guide

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European Black Elderberry Extract

ElderCraft®, the most clinically studied elderberry extract, is a branded European elderberry extract traceable to the ‚Green Heart‘ of southeast Austria, home to the Styrian Berry Cooperative, the world‘s largest black elderberry (Sambucus nigra, L) cultivator. These berries, grown in Austria’s sunniest and most fertile regions, are processed with Iprona’s exclusive Polyphenol Technology (IPT) to create a unique ingredient. This process gently extracts the best of the fruit without solvents, preserving the fruit matrix. Clinical studies show elder- berries‘ beneficial effects on human health. ElderCraft® is standardized to polyphenols and anthocyanins and supports immune health while also promoting beneficial prebiotic effects.

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European Tart Cherry Extract

Tart cherries extracts have garnered significant attention for their numerous health benefits. Among these, CherryCraft® stands out as a branded tart cherry ingredient, crafted from Vistula cherries using Iprona’s innovative IPT technology. This gentle extraction process avoids solvents, ensuring the preservation of the fruit’s natural integrity and potency. Clinical studies underscore the health advantages of tart cherries, CherryCraft® is standardized for polyphenols and anthocyanins and contains a defined minimum content of polysaccharides. These compounds have been shown to support various aspects of health, including sports recovery, performance, sleep, and cardiovascular wellness.

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European Black Currant Extract

CurrantCraft® is a branded ingredient that stands for premium quality of black currant berries traceable to their place of purest European origin. Our proprietary, innovative IPT technology allows us to extract the best of the fruit in the gentlest way without the use of any solvents in order not to harm the fruit-matrix. Black currants are subject to numerous clinical studies that prove its beneficial natural effects on human health. CurrantCraft® contains polyphenols and anthocyanins that help in cognition, sport performance, cardiovascular health and eye health.

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European Black Chokeberry Extract

AroniaCraft® is a branded ingredient that stands for premium quality of black chokeberries traceable to their place of origin. Our proprietary, innovative IPT technology allows us to extract the best of the fruit in the gentlest way without the use of any solvents in order not to harm the fruit-matrix. Black chokeberries – or Aroniaberries – are subject to numerous clinical studies that prove their beneficial natural effects on human health. AroniaCraft® contains polyphenols and anthocyanins that help in cardiovascular health, metabolic syndrome and sports recovery/performance.

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