CherryCraft® is a high-quality brand exclusively licensed by iprona, a leading international company in fruit processing situated in South Tyrol, the most northern region of Italy, in the middle of the Alps. iprona produces European Tart Cherry Extract from only the best quality cherries of a special variety called Vistula, which is the name of the longest and largest river in Poland. This variety is in great demand and a registered PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) on the European framework for quality products, comparable with the DOC used to declare Italian wine origins.

CherryCraft® is extracted from the cherries using an exclusive technology that treats fruits gently without using any artificial solvents. The result? A one-of-a-kind high-quality ingredient that confirms once again the company’s core belief that health comes from nature.

More than just tasty

Cherry is very popular as an ingredient for its taste. But more and more trials prove the fruit also has health benefits. Studies have shown tart cherries help with muscle recovery and protect against post-exercise muscle strength loss and soreness.

CherryCraft® is a full spectrum extract from European Tart Cherries. Tart Cherry is known to boost antioxidant power and promote healthy inflammatory responses after intensive exercises. For this reason, this ingredient is popular and widely used in products that support sport recovery and performance. Furthermore, there is scientific evidence that it has antioxidative effects and a positive impact on cardiovascular health.



Vistula vs. Montmorency
European Tart Cherry Extract

iprona chooses Vistula cherries for the production of CherryCraft® because of their high levels of anthocyanins and polyphenols, the valuable active components.

The high polyphenol and anthocyanin content in the Vistula raw material makes it possible to standardize CherryCraft® at a higher concentration of both active ingredients than the competitor products. This makes CherryCraft® extracted from Vistula cherry the first choice for your product.

A comparative analysis of Montmorency cherry fruits and Vistula cherry fruits generated some very important and impressive results:


Vistula cherries contain more than twice the polyphenols of Montmorency cherries.


Vistula cherries contain three times more chlorogenic acid than Montmorency cherries.


Vistula cherries contain six times more anthocyanins than Montmorency cherries.




1. Sport Recovery

Tart cherries have been shown in several clinical studies to help in exercise recovery. Consumption of tart cherries can help attenuate muscle soreness, strength decrement during recovery, and markers of muscle catabolism. In 8 out of 9 studies cherry consumption significantly reduced induced muscle pain, soreness and loss of strength in trained athletes.

The observed benefits have been attributed to the presence of highly concentrated phytochemicals like polyphenols and their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.



2. Sport Performance

Short-term supplementation with tart cherries has been shown to improve markers of muscle function, reduce immune and inflammatory stress, and increase performance in trained individuals. Additionally, it has been shown that trained cyclist can benefit from supplementation with tart cherry by lowering blood pressure and improving aspects of exercise performance, specifically end-sprint performance.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Inflammation and oxidative stress are important factors in the development of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis. Tart cherry has shown to have anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Human clinical trials proved that consumption of tart cherry can lower the levels of systolic blood pressure and markers for cholesterol in adults and have positive effects on cardiovascular health.


At iprona, we pride ourselves not just on the unparalleled quality of our ingredients, but also onour ethical way of doing business and on keeping our environmental impact as suppliers as small as possible. Because the supply chain is fully controlled by iprona, based on a close partnership with reliable cooperatives and including storage and pre-processing, we embrace the implementation of full traceability that allows a finished extract to be tracked back to its place of origin.


Though the various treatment requirements of the US FDA, EU and Asian guidelines are not identical, iprona is committed to meeting or exceeding the regulations of all countries in which we do business. Furthermore, iprona is certified fully to ISO 14001, the voluntary international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system.





The cooperative was founded in 2005 and counts around 80 farmers but is growing year by year. The cherries meet the Craft-product line’s requirement of being hand picked before being gently processed by our unique Iprona Polyphenol Technology.


The cherry’s variety got its name from Poland’s longest and largest river, the Vistula, that is responsible for the fertile and fruitful grounds along its banks. Risk of frost is a big issue for cherries in general. The presence of the Vistula reduces that risk significantly with respect to other regions in Poland.


Our fully controlled supply chain incorporates all the steps from growing a raw material - including the use of pesticides and fungicides - to creating and selling a product. In this way, we have gained important knowledge about the product and its marketability, helping us offer higher-quality products to our partners.


Because the supply chain is fully controlled by iprona, including storage and pre-processing, we embrace the implementation of full traceability that allows a finished extract to be precisely tracked back to its farm of origin, guaranteeing complete transparency.


Export is our daily business. As iprona sells over 85% of its products abroad, it is our goal to offer products that can serve the global market. For this reason, we strive to develop products that conform to the strictest regulations, putting our products under severe controls regarding pesticides, heavy metals and much more.


Our supply chain is purely European and fully controlled by iprona. In this way, we can guarantee not only the highest quality, but also short transportation routes and a transparent and sustainable handling of the whole process. Additionally, iprona is certified fully to ISO 14001, the voluntary international standard that specifies requirements for an effective environmental management system.